前 言
第一章 基本价值观
第二章 使命
十一、惠诚积极参与中国民主和法制进程,追求社会的公平和正义,为公众提供有价值的法律服务,做中国律师事务所的杰出代表。 为了客户利益、为了惠诚发展、为了实现自我价值,惠诚人努力而敬业地工作。
第三章 目标
第四章 组织
十五、 人们如果不能被组织起来,就是一盘散沙。惠诚应当始终是一个整体,有组织、有纪律、有目标并且可持续发展。
十九、 为了维护统一指挥和权责对等的原则,我们在组织运行时要明确如下方针:
第五章 市场
二 十、惠诚的最终市场定位是一流的综合性法律服务供应商。我们已经并将继续为客户提供优质高效的各项法律服务。
二十二、 通过各种方法和途径,提高惠诚的知名度,增加惠诚的美誉度。
二十三、 惠诚的法律服务以市场的需求为标准。我们不承认有低端和高端的市场之分。因为低、小的案件中孕育着高、大的市场,而高、大的市场里面同样有着低、小的需求。
二十四、 我们坚持在涉及惠诚发展的关键业务领域,集中优势的人力、物力和财力实现重点突破。
二十五、 我们将建立广泛的战略合作伙伴关系,积极探索在互利的基础上的各种外部合作形式。
二十六、 我们要秉承“投之以惠,报之以诚,事事惠诚”的服务宗旨,建立完善的服务网络,向客户提供专业化、标准化的法律服务,以客户的满意度作为衡量一切的准绳。
二十七、 重点培养具有团队管理战略的人才,以长远的目标建设市场营销队伍。以共同的使命、责任、荣誉来激励和完善市场队伍。
二十九、 每一个惠诚人对外都代表惠诚的形象。每一个惠诚人都是宣传队,要做到随时随地宣传惠诚,以惠诚为骄傲,以惠诚人为自豪。
第六章 业务
三 十、惠诚努力提高自身业务水平和服务意识,以为客户提供专业化的法律服务为骄傲。
第七章 分配
三十三、 我们认识到,分配是保障团队高效、稳定、持续运行的核心,也是我们价值观最集中的体现。
三十九、 在分配上,我们努力做到不让老实人吃亏。
第八章 决策
四十、 我们意识到,在所有的失误中,决策的失误才是最大的失误。但无论如何决策都比不决策好。
四十二、惠诚实行代议制,以民主集中制为决策的基础组织原则。 同时我们形成共识,惠诚的发展历史证明,决策时要尊重惠诚的沿革和现状,在重大问题决策上不能机械地采取少数服从多数的方式,要充分听取和采纳惠诚资深合伙人的意见。
第九章 分支机构
四十六、 发展分支机构是惠诚发展的战略方向,我们一定要坚定不移地走下去。
四十八、 各分支机构之间不止是简单的名称相连,而是理念、目标、价值观的吸引和认同,是管理、业务、友谊的交流和联合。
四十九、 各分支机构的一切活动均以【乐鱼官方网站】中国有限公司事务所发展纲要为基础。各分支机构的任何规章不得与【乐鱼官方网站】中国有限公司事务所发展纲要相抵触。
五 十、 各分支机构使用统一的名称和标志,共同维护惠诚的形象。
第十章 管理控制
第十一章 附则
五十六、 本纲要的制定和修改由合伙人会议表决通过。
五十七、 本纲要的解释权归机构管理委员会。
五十八、 各分支机构应当执行本纲要。
五十九、 本纲要是惠诚的宪章,具有强制性,一切规章制度不得与本纲要相抵触。否则,机构管理委员会有权追究其责任。
六 十、 本纲要于2007年9月1日起实施,于2010年1月首次修订。
There existed no any society ruled by law in the modern sense in Chinese history of more than 2,000 years since Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty successively establish their empires. And just 100 years ago, our ancestors set out to explore the modern Chinese lawyer system.
Benefited from the reform and opening-up policy of the People’s Republic of China, the legal practice of China’s lawyers bursts a rapid and irresistible development to keep up with the step of the legalization construction of contemporary China. The China's lawyers are playing an important role in maintaining social equality and justice.
To catch up such historical chance, Huicheng Law Firm ("Huicheng") has been promoting its legal services since its establishment in 1998.
For the purpose of providing the legal system construction of China with the better and profounder services, speeding up the enlargement of the market share of the growing legal services market, achieving our self-worth at a high-level and in an all-round way, the outline for Huicheng's development ("OUTLINE") is formulated as the charter to guide Huicheng's development.
Chapter I Fundamental Values
Article 1 We respect each of Huicheng's employees. Regardless of the differences in position and job type, each of them enjoys equal rights and respect.
Article 2 We realize that a vigorous and constantly growing collective is composed of the members who have harmonious relationships with each other, regardless of their differences in character, cognition and value orientation.
Article 3 We insist on the principle of equality and refuse to practise the egalitarianism. The correspondence between rights and obligations is the general principle to guide us to establish our bylaws.
Article 4 Understanding, toleration, mutual aid, unity and dedication will together constitute our core competences.Competition as a natural law, is the source power for Huicheng's development, and the competition mechanism will be reflected in Huicheng's rules and regulations.
Article 5 The sense of responsibility creats an incentive. Each of Huicheng's employees should elevate the mind and stick to the sense of responsibility for sociality, others and our clients.
Article 6 Honesty and integrity are traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Huicheng's employees should be frank with each other and service the clients based on the honesty and integrity.
Article 7 We do believe that any of big noises come from the nobodies and that any of well-known lawyers are from the unknown lawyers. The continuous increment of manpower capital is where Huicheng's vigour, hope and future lie. We must offer the surroundings and conditions necessary to the growth of our employees.
Article 8 we are soberly aware that although money as matter base is essential to development of an individual or a collective, correct values is even more so.
The money will be the root cause of all vile practices, moral degradation and pains due to the absence of correct values. The correct values can not only help us avoid detours and mistakes but also creat more wealth.
Article 9 We do believe that it is for the sake of our own today and tomorrow rather than for the sake of those of others to work hard and cheerfully at Huicheng. We shall not only contribute to Huicheng and help it make the achievements, but also take opportunities for development and growth with it.
Article 10 "If you do it right, then those close to you will be happy, and those who are far away will come to you." When we become a team characterized by unity, friendliness, mutual assistance and enterprise, we will gain the greater admiration and respect than ever, draw more talents to join us and obtain much more spiritual and material wealth.
Chapter II Mission
Article 11 Huicheng will actively participate in the construction of democracy and legal system of China, pursue the social equality and justice, provide the public with valuable legal services and perform in the role of the outstanding representative of China law firms.
Huicheng's employees will work hard for the benefit of Huicheng's clients, Huicheng's development and the realization of their self-values.
Chapter III Goal
Article 12 Our strategic goal is to make Huicheng to be a collectivized law firm. We are confident that Huicheng will become a law firm with best mental outlook, largest size, biggest market share and best benefits.
Article 13 We aim at offering high-quality and efficient legal services to our clients on the basis of the service principles of respect, understanding, profession and quick response.
Article 14 We have been focusing on the sustainable development of Huicheng's cause.
Chapter IV Organization
Article 15 The people in an unorganized state are a heap of loose sand. Huicheng should be always a structured whole that has discipline, aim and is based on sustainable development.
Article 16 Huicheng's organizational structure should be subject to the requirements of its strategic goal and values.
Article 17 Huicheng's organizational structure includes:
1. Partners Meeting;
2. Executive Board;
3. Board of Supervisors;
4. General Management Committee;
5. Functioning Departments;
6. Committee of Legal Affairs;
7. Other organs/units determined and approved by Partners Meeting
Partners Meeting is Huicheng's highest power organ.
Article 18 The organizational structure should be subject to the fundamental principles below:
1. Be beneficial to unified command, unified coordination, immediate decision-making and quick response to the changes 2. Help simplify the process reasonably, meet the needs of the market and response to the changes of the market quickly;
3. Be good for the improvement of the efficiency of cooperation and the reduction of administration cost;
4. Be helpful to the training of talents and Huicheng's sustainable development;
5. Help strengthen the obligations and ensure the implementation of Huicheng's mission and goal.
Article 19 In order to defend the principles of unified command and correspondence between rights and obligations, we should adhere to the following policies:
1. Set the definite, predictable, exercisable, verifiable and appraisable task objectives;
2. Fully authorize to improve the activity and raise working efficiency of each organ;
3. Strengthen the supervision to avoid big deviations and great mistakes;
4. Fully consider to foster the team consciousness characterized by the dialectical thinking, active participation and sense of responsibility;
5. Establish a perfect performance appraisal system.
Chapter V Market
Article 20 Huicheng's final market orientation is to be a first-class comprehensive legal service provider. We have been providing and will continue to provide our clients with the high-quality and efficient legal services.
Article 21 It will be our invariable pursue to hold the pulse of market. We should focus on the competition in fundamental and mature legal services market and the exploitation of market with enormous potentiality.
Article 22 Huicheng should raise its public awareness and increase its favorability by all manners or methods.
Article 23 Huicheng's legal service level should meet the market demand. For the major cases often originate from the minor cases and involve some of basic legal services, we would never admit that the legal service market can be classified into high-end market and low-end market.
Article 24 We insist on concentrating human, material and financial resources to realize breakthrough in the key business areas that are related to Huicheng's development.
Article 25 We shall establish a wide strategic and cooperative partnership and actively explore the new patterns for all sorts of external cooperation based on the principle of mutual benefit.
Article 26 We should establish the perfect service networking to provide our clients with professional and standardization services and take the customer satisfaction as the criterion for judging all our work, in line with the service purpose of "You give trust, we offer best, Huicheng deserve your choice".
Article 27 Efforts will be made to train those who have team management strategies, and make our long-term goal to establish our marketing team that needs to be encouraged and optimized with the common mission, responsibility and honor.
Article 28 Huicheng encourages and supports each of its branches to develop the businesses in which the branch has competitive advantage and core legal service products, and makes its effort to promote its own comprehensive strength.
Article 29 Each of Huicheng's employees is Huicheng's representative when he deals with the businesses in the name of Huicheng. He is a hype artist who promotes Huicheng's businesses at any time and is very proud of his membership of Huicheng.
Chapter VI Business
Article30 Huicheng's employees should try their best to enhance their professional competence service consciousness, and be proud of the provision of professional legal services to clients.
Article 31 A Huicheng's lawyer should persist in studying, be good at summing up experience, improve his professional competence and be going for a professional lawyer.
Article 32 We realize that there is nothing best but better in rapid developing demand of clients. The pattern of team-based service delivery can compensates for the transient lack of ability of a lawyer.
Chapter VII Distribution
Article 33 We realize that the distribution is the core safeguard to make the team go in efficient, stable and sustained operation as well as the central manifestation of our values.
Article 34 The principle of distribution should be clear and consist with our values. We should follow the principles of correspondence between rights and obligations, distribution according to work, distribution according to production essentiality.
Article 35 The distribution should balance the short-term interests, medium-term interests and long-term interests, and give consideration to both the actual demand for benefits and sustainable development. We can not kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
Article 36 The distribution should take account of the interests of the lawyers, administrative staffs and other participators and balance the interests of all Huicheng's branches.
Article 37 We adopt the distribution policy in favor of outstanding employees and carry out the distribution system based on function and performance so as to encourage our employees and bring their initiative into full play.
Article 38 The distribution system should be fair, impartial, transparent and operative.
Article 39 We shall try not to put any of honest employees at a disadvantage in distribution.
Chapter VIII Decision Making
Article 40 Though we realize that a mistake in decision-making is the most serious mistake among all our mistakes, we also think that it's better to make a decision rather than not to make a decision.
Article 41 We make vital decisions on the basis of Huicheng's values, goal and basic policies.
Article 42 Huicheng practices the representative system, and its fundamental organizing principle is democratic centralism.
We all agree that the history of Huicheng's development has shown us the fact that we should make decisions based on respect for history evolution and status quo, and that it's better for us to fully heed and accept the opinions of the senior partners rather than adopt the principle that the minority is subordinate to the majority mechanically when we make decisions on major problems.
Article 43 We should make decisions quickly and be good at the multi-stage decisions and decisions on specific issues.
Article 44 A decision-making authorization should be granted in accordance with the decision-making level and department permission in order that the hierarchical decision-making can play an active role .
Article 45 Once a decision is reached, it must be firmly carried out. Huicheng's authority must be safeguarded.
Chapter IX Branches
Article 46 We should Establish the branches unswervingly, which is Huicheng's strategic direction.
Article 47 The establishment of Huicheng's branches is not subject to regional restriction. Any of law firms, lawyer teams and lawyers who accept the OUTLINE and have mature legal service areas may join Huicheng in accordance with related procedure .
Article 48 All branches are tied by common keywords "Huicheng" in their business name, interattraction in and acceptance of common ideology, goals and values, as well as exchange and blending of their management, business and friendship.
Article 49 All branches should operate their businesses on the basis of the OUTLINE. Any rules and regulations made by a branch should not go against the OUTLINE.
Article 50 All branches use uniform name and logo to make joint effort to safeguard Huicheng's image and reputation. Article 51 It's necessary for us to establish and perfect the standardized management system of Huicheng's branches.
Article 52 All branches should improve their communication and reinforce their exchanges and cooperation each other.
All branches should attend Huicheng's regular meetings held twice a year.
Chapter X Management Control
Article 53 We shall establish and perfect Huicheng's quality management system and quality assurance system and implement the quality policy meeting ISO9001 quality system standard.
Article 54 Huicheng faces both the crisis and opportunity in the process of its development due to the fierce competition in the market place. We must move forward in Huicheng's development, or we will fall behind. We should keep communication with and learn from our outstanding colleagues rather than confine ourselves to our own circles.
Article 55 The methods and experiences accumulated by Huicheng for years are our precious wealth and should be inherited and developed.
Chapter XI Supplementary Provisions
Article 56 The OUTLINE should be drafted, modified in accordance with the decision of partners meeting.
Article 57 General Management Committee reserves the right to the interpretation of the OUTLINE.
Article 58 All branches should carry out the OUTLINE.
Article 59 The OUTLINE is Huicheng's mandatory charter. All internal rules and regulations should not go against the OUTLINE. The General Management Committee has right to investigate and affix the responsibility of those violating the OUTLINE.
Article 60 The OUTLINE was formulated and implemented in September, 2007, and amended in January, 2010.